The purpose of the Company’s investor relations activities is to build relationships of trust with all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, so that they may rightly assess the value of the Company. Thus, our basic policy is to strive for constructive dialog with stakeholders and to provide fair, timely, and accurate information on the actual state of the company.
The legal disclosure of information as per the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act is done through EDINET (an electronic system for disclosing documents such as securities reports). TDnet (an information publishing system for timely disclosures provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange) is used for the disclosure of information as per securities listing rules, and the Company website will also be used to promptly release information. Information deemed important or useful where timely disclosure rules do not apply shall be broadly disclosed by publication on the Company website.
Of the information disclosed by the Company, future strategies, forecasts, and opinions may contain potential risks and uncertainties because they have been determined by the Company based on the limited data available at the time.
Thus, please note that actual earnings may fluctuate due to various factors such as changes in the operating environment.
The Company shall have a silent period from the date of a period end to the date of that period’s earnings announcement to prevent leaks of earnings information. Please note that the Company will not respond to or comment on questions regarding earnings during this period. However, the Company may make timely disclosure during the silent period to revise earnings forecasts when it appears that earnings will widely differ from expectations.